Thursday, 9 August 2007

Monkey Chews Camden

Once again I found myself on the M1 Southbound and once again it was HORRIFIC!!! had to turn off at junction 5 after having been stuck in a jam for nearly an hour, then after finally finding our way to Camden i managed to perform the same circular manouevre at least 6 times before finally finding the venue (which i had even been to before) i've said it before and i'll say it again, i'm NEVER driving in London again! But anyway after some seriously dodgy parallel parking we finally arrived.

First on was Mr Dan Smith of Wimbledon, i'd never had the pleasure of seeing him live before and it certainly was worth waiting for. His one man show of many instrumented wonderment held the whole audiences rapt attention. Dan tops off his mix of quirky lyrics and interesting musical arrangements, revolving around keyboard with an added array of percussion, by using his loop pedal to build up tumultuous and rich backing to his vocals.

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Next up were Kid Id who had the owners of the venue moving tables out so more people could fit in and dance. The room was packed and sweaty and the atmosphere was awesome. The six piece were kinda cramped in the tiny stage space but still managed to get their jig on!

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Then we crashed at our mates house somewhere in London (i just followed the guys with the sat nav!) and tried to prepare ourselves for the drive to Bath the following morning for Bloom Fest (Big thanks to Laura the best hostess ever!!)

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