Friday, 10 August 2007

Bloom Festival 2007

So we set off bright and early from London to get to Bath in time as Kid Id were playing the festival at 1.00 pm. We made it just in time for the boys to play to a practically empty tent! but the sun was shining and no one really cared, the tent did start to fill up towards the end of the set but most importantly those who were there were having fun!

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We then had the rest of the weekend to enjoy the gorgeous weather and all the other bands and djs on offer. We also took part in the guinness world record attempt for biggest game of musical statues ever!!! which was broken hoorah!

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Among the musical highlights were the beatboxing skills of beardyman who was absolutely phenomenal and also the dj/vj combo of coldcut on the main stage who were a feast for the senses.

Non musical highlight was getting to see the meteor shower away from all the light pollution of the big cities, i spent about an hour and a half lying outside in my sleeping bag staring at the sky until it started to rain and i had to hop it into the tent

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The festival was awesome, not too big not too small and some great acts (and some not so great acts *ahem* Frank Sidebottom scary head man)

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