Friday, 31 August 2007

Connect Festival Scotland 2007

So this is it the last festival of the summer and one i've been banging on about since April.

We set off on the Thursday and after a knackering 7 hour drive to the middle of nowhere we found we couldn't get into the festival site until the following morning! so we tried to set up camp in the carpark where we were rudely moved along. Fish and Chips, several pints and a few tequilas later in the weirdest little town ever (really pretty but weird, what town still has an apothecary??!!) we had no choice but to sleep in our cars in the pay and display car park! 7 tired people, 7 tired peoples worth of camping equipment, 2 cars, pouring with rain outside. It was a pretty miserable night!!! but we thought at least we'll beat the queue for the festival which in fairness we did.

A mile hike through several inches of mud later (carrying all our stuff i should add) we finally got our tents pitched in the least swamp like area we could find. We then bought a gazebo which proved to be the best purchase ever! Because of the weirdy organisedness of the festival the music had started by the time we'd set up our tents (no time for a well earned nap and beer!)

Despite this rocky of starts the festival turned out to be awesomely good fun, the mud got progressively worse over the weekend but we got used to the constant drizzle, put aside any ridiculous notions that our hair might look ok, and got to enjoy all the awesome bands that were on offer.

Highlights for me were Regina Spektor, Idlewild, Bjork, Rilo Kiley, Bat For Lashes, Modest Mouse, Beastie Boys, Jarvis Cocker and Tilly and the Wall.

The festival setting was beautiful, in the grounds of Inverary castle (the castle looked out over the main stage) and the food stalls were not your usual festival shite, There was fresh seafood from Loch Fyne (the mussels were AWESOME!, a Scottish Porridge Stall, Haggis, Neeps and Tatties and other local produce. The Red Bull Enchanted Forest was also a well fun place to hang out in between bands and chill out.

It was a glorious end to the festival season (although i never EVER want to drive for 7 and a half hours after a festival ever again!) but its all over now until next year, hopefull i'll find something else to amuse myself with so there will be some more news here one day!

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