Wednesday, 20 June 2007


i'm now definately no longer a student, no more NUS discount, no more being tutted at by people with real jobs, no more student loan and worst of all no more dossing!! rubbish! but graduation was a fun day, the stupid hats kept falling off and theres only so long the novelty of pretending you're in a Harry Potter film can endure but it was a good day none the less! Of course as the ceremony was situated in Preston it had to bloody much for my hopes of sunshine from here on out, lets hope it picks up for the weekend which i'm spending in London and then the sunbeams can increase their strength for next week when i'm heading to Newcastle and then Moor Festival in Ilkley which no amount of rain can ruin for me as the line up is awesome and its gonna be hella fun =D

So anyway congratulations to everyone who has graduated this summer and hope your scales are tipping away from depression and more towards mild optimism!!!

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