Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Spring Has Nearly Sprung

It took its bloody time but i'm reasonably confident that the worst is over and it will soon be summer! i've not posted a blog since september which shows you how much i hate the winter!! so here are some photos to prove i've not lost my camera.

Starting off with some photos from the first nice day this year some time back in jan/feb walking through hyde park.



A lovely sunny day in golden acre park with guitars, frisbees and a rather spiffing old game of rounders.



A fun but windy trip to roundhay park and tropical world including a terrapin orgy and some attention seeking geese.





So there you are don't give up hope the summer will be here soon bringing with it much more fun and frolics!

Kid Id @ Trash, Leeds and Passing Clouds, London

Yet more Kid iD gigs, the first being a rather rammed set at Trash. It was sweaty and loud and energetic and awesome! Lots of dancing, lots of drinking (on the house due to the innebriated indie kid barmen who always seem to forget to ask for money). A couple of diversions from the norm for the band as ickle joe was suffering from a sprained wrist so had to make do with a tambourine instead of the huge array of percussion he usually abuses...


Another rare and strange sight was seeing Ralph play an electric guitar onstage for possibly the first time ever after his guitar string broke without a replacement to hand, rock n roll....


Then for another one of the famous kid id road trips and guess who's in the driving seat again?! yup! but i was armed with sat nav and feeling positive and managed not to make a prat of myself with my poor driving skills for the whole journey (just about). We arrived at the passing clouds venue in Dalston which was pretty fantastic, we were greeted by some lovely people who became even lovelier in our minds when they provided us with huge plates of free veggi chilli (yum thank you!) . The venue itself is like a hippy paradise, a huge warehouse type building with a stage and 'bar' downstairs and a big lounge type chill out space upstairs crammed with sofas and god knows what else! downstairs there are soft toys stapled to the ceiling, and more props then you could shake a rubber chicken at.




And then the crowd came in, The Human Zoo was an apt title for the night as the costumes ranged from the glamorous to the downright weird!



From a review of the Human Zoo Night 'There was some awesome acts on Musically The Gentle Mystics brought a powerfully psychedelic dose of Gyp-Hop- imagine circus freak show era Tom Waits on ecstasy and peyote. The Bohemianauts demonstrated new standards and squeezebox revivalism with gypsy jazz, songs about vodka and daring stunts. In addition to this Ophelia Blitz performed alongside the band, playing the washboard and divulging in sick cabaret, setting herself on fire!




Kid iD rocked the place with their original and upbeat performance, playing music from folk to funk and ska to drum'n'bass A highlight for me was the point where Ian had to get his trousers gaffer taped up onstage as they were falling down- excellent!'



Oh and many thanks to the lovely Olivia who put us up in her lovely house in lovely highgate with her lovely doggies!!! =D
